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Cardio and strength training

Guys, I lift heavy, when I do more than 3 days a week of weights following the full body program, I am too sore to recover properly. So I've started doing 3 days of jogging/walking, and 3 days of strength training per week. I was doing the strength training 4 days a week, but wow that was painful. My goal is fat loss and add some muscle. How will doing both cardio and strength training impact my goals? Is the result negative or positive? I hoped positive since I'm being more active. On a side note, every link to "FS Premium homepage" doesn't work in emails or on the supercast page. Not sure what's going on there.

Legion Mushroom Supplement

Hello! I saw that Legion came out with a mushroom supplement. What are the benefits of taking a mushroom supplement? Who should be taking this kind of supplement? Thank You!! :)

High frequency

Hi! I am currently.structuring a five day HG programme based on the one that you guys published. I hope to grow my legs especially so I am placing more emphasis on that. How would you recommend spreading out leg exercises in this split? Would it be best to do, for example, 1 Hamstring and 1 quad exercise on each of the 5 days or to place 2 hamstring exercises on one followed by 2 quad exercises on the following? I am asking mainly because most exercises target multiple leg muscles, so I wonder if it would be doable to do RDLs one day followed by squads the next day or if that would not be optimal.

Abdominal Doming

Can you go over abdominal doming, causes, and how to help correct?

ARMRA Colostrum

Can you do a review/deep dive on colostrum and the company ARMRA? It is popping up everywhere on my feed, similar to AG1. Is this a legit supplement or is this another over priced and overhyped fad?