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Is taurine legit?

I've seen a few videos mentioning the benefits of Taurine. Is it really a good supplement?

Lumen device. Is it actually legit or snake oil?

I keep seeing this “Lumen” device all over social media. Can you go into this a little bit? Personally I think it’s a scam and reeks of snake oil.

PPL Program e1rm

Hi guys, Is the e1rm column supposed to be blank for the last 5 exercises? It only populates for the compound lifts. Thanks.

Loss of Sex Drive in a calorie deficit

Hi! Can you talk about loss of sex drive while in a calorie deficit? Why does it happen and how (if possible) can it be avoided?


Hi!! I listened to the pod about RPE, thanks for that! For IsRPE wouldn’t it be what the RPE is that you have put in the programming?