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Full body program

How would I approach your full body workout if I could only train 3 times a week?

Full body program

for the duel cable lat raise (w/past failure partials), note says "Once you fail with full range of motion, go to fail with partial/half reps". Am I going to failure (with full range of motion) on set 3, then doing the partial failure on set 4?

Is Myprotein trustworthy/good quality?

Myprotein company is it good quality/ trustworthy? The website says third party tested with labdoor. But since its so affordable I wanna double check it is legit

Can bouldering count as strength training?

Hi Tony and Marianna :) loving the podcast, especially the recent body image and self-esteem episode. I'm currently cramming a lot into my weekly schedule, with bouldering on one day and a boxing cardio class the next day (purely for enjoyment). Still trying to figure out the best way to split up my training on the remaining days, mainly trying full body to allow for rest. My question is can I include the bouldering as a strength workout and how can I use it effectively alongside my weight training? Feels like the time on it takes away from a more effective gym split... can I do weights the day before ok?

RPE? So confused

Can you please explain what RPE is? I can’t open the link to the explanation. I am not sure I understand it.