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Exercise Order

How important is the exact order of exercises in a program? I go to a busy gym and often some equipment is not available when I need it. Some things like the bench press and dual cables are almost impossible to get. In the case I cannot access some necessary equipment, is it better switch around the order of the exercises to wait for the right equipment or substitute alternative exercises with more available equipment? (Substitute a dumbbell press for barbell bench press for example). I hope this makes sense! I am a new premium member and following your full body program - thank you so much for all the work you put into this!


Can you hinder your workout by supersetting too much or supersetting the wrong exercises? Often when I am short on time I superset exersices speed things up. Is it better to do this with exercises that work similar muscles or different muscles?

Insulin resistance

Can you do an episode that explains this in details? What it is! How do we correct it? I found out with my blood panel that I was insulin resistance. She put me on certain things to help. I just need to understand why this happens. I am 44, 5”4 and 136 pounds. I am trying to do body recomp and I’m the last 8 months nothing has changed hence why I did the blood work.

Digestive system

TMI 😆 So I always heard you both say how the digestive process takes time, but why it is that when I eat certain food I have to run to the bathroom right away? Things I avoid for this reason chipotle or any type of fast food restaurant. Without a doubt as soon as I eat those things, my stomach is a disaster and I am not kidding within ten or fifteen minutes I have to run to the bathroom. Why is that? At this point I know my body so when friends suggest eating in fast food places it is a no for me. Also happens at certain restaurants.

Stacked app for full body…

Is it possible to use the stacked app for the full body training program or do you think it will be too much to input? I haven’t tried it yet but I used it for the PPL training program. Obviously I haven’t started the new program yet, but am this next week. Thanks!!