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Pre workout on Cardio Days

Is there any research or negative effects of taking pre-workout on cardio only days? I lift 3x a week and run 2x a week. If I am taking pre workout on the lift days, is it frowned upon to take pre workout on the cardio days. I do not to consume pre on the weekends when I have rest days.

When aiming to loose substantial amount of weight, what is best..

If you need to loose a substantial amount of weight, is it best to stay in a deficit for an extended period of time? Or would you do a deficit for say 12 weeks, come to maintenance for a bit of a break and then go back to deficit and repeat until goal is met?

Barbell Back Squat Alternatives?

Hi! I have a bad shoulder and am unable to hold the bar for barbell back squats due to the inability to flex my shoulder into that position. I know that leg press is an alternative, however, I still like the idea of the barbell back squat because it is more of a whole-body exercise (regarding the muscles that have to be used). My question is, what else can I do instead that would not require me to position my shoulder back behind me? Would a front squat with a cross grip work as an alternative? Thanks!

Air Fryer - Tips & Tricks

I have tried several air fryer recipes for homemade chicken nuggets, sweet potato chips, and crispy brussels sprouts but they always come out soggy. Any tips or mistakes I could be making?

How much Fiber is too much?

Is there an upper limit on how many grams of fiber I can intake in a day? Does it matter which type of fiber I'm eating? Does it matter what source you get it from? Keto Breads, Protein Bars, fruit? Thanks!