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Nagging Injuries

How do you work through a nagging injury? Or a recurrent injury? I tore my acl and had surgery 20 years ago and my knee is easily tweaked and then sore for weeks. I have tried taking time off but it happens so frequently I would be taking months off lifting throughout the year. My chiro says my quad of my affected leg is weak and could be contributing so I focus on single leg isolations to strengthen it like extensions but this just seems to aggravate it more, not sure if working through it or going easy is best… if I work through it it’s typically sore for at least a month. sorry for the long question, any suggestions?!

Beginner help with moving from dumbbells to barbell

I’m a 58 year old woman. I’ve been doing dumbbell workouts but my weights only go up to 25 lbs and i know i need to lift heavier. My husband uses a smith machine and bowflex selectech dumbbells but i find those really awkward to hold because they are so wide. So, i’ve started learning the smith machine but when i lay on the bench my toes barely touch the floor. Is it ok to put my feet up on the bench or is there another way around this? I just want to avoid injury. Also, when i enter weight in the PPL spreadsheet do i include the weight of the bar or just the plates?

Podcast recommendations

What are some podcast you all listen to? It is so hard for me to find podcast I love as much as you guys because within two minutes I can tell it is BS based on the things I have learned from you both. I need more motivating and inspiring podcast fitness related or just for mindset and growth and development .


What do you think of l-glutamine for gut health. I've always struggled with stomach issues. I'm always bloated after I eat and other bathroom problems. I'm looking for anything to help me along with cleaning up my diet.

Fish Oil mentions in podcast

Does anyone know in what episode they have the extensive breakdown of omega 3? They’ve mentioned they did this breakdown in a previous episode, but for the life of me I cannot find it. Additionally, thoughts on the legion omega 3 being higher than the RDA? Thanks!