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Imbalances and unilateral movements

I went to see a Kinesiologist recently and was told that i have multiple imbalances from head to toe. One body part is compensating for another resulting in frequent injuries. I wanted to start your 12 week PPL program but was advised to prioritize unilateral movements to help strengthening my weaker sides. I’m thinking on swiping barbells for dumbbells in most of the exercises. Will this do the trick or should I find a program designed specifically for this?

Creatine for chronic pain

Hey there! A few weeks ago, Tony mentioned that his grandmother had been taking creatine daily and that it seemed to have helped with her chronic, debilitating pain. This really piqued my curiosity as someone who also experiences chronic pain. Do you guys know of any solid research showing creatine use for pain treatment, like how it works, effective dosing, etc? Thank you!

Hybrid Training

Hi! Can you talk a bit about hybrid training - long distance running and weightlifting. I really enjoy both and am currently training for a 10K race. Hoping to do a half marathon after that. I do still prioritize lifting 4 days a week and train running twice a week (one long run and one interval run). Not sure if you have any insight on this topic!

Light vs. heavy weight for fat loss

This must've been asked but the search isn't pulling it up. I'm doing the 12-week upper focus. I can lift very heavy. My goal is fat loss. Should I be using a lower weight and a higher rep range? Or should I stick to the plan based on the RPE given?


Hi, Tony and Marianna! Love educating myself with your podcast. Recently in my Jiu Jitsu gym, a few people (men and women) have started taking PEDs, and they are hella jacked (you can feel their strength when you roll with them). My friend started asking me questions about it because it is popular in the sport, but I don’t know much and don’t want to give her bad gouge. I’d rather stay natty, but I’d love to be educated about this topic! Please do a deep dive!