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Creatine side effects

Hey guys! I was wondering if y’all had any advice on this issue… I’ve recently started taking creatine monohydrate (thank you for the Amazon link) and I have been taking 5mg/day but recently noticed stomach issues. I’ve read that some people space out the dosage throughout the day, does this have any impact on side effects, does side effects just go away in time, or should I just lower the dosage and work my way up? I listen to y’all every Monday and Friday and appreciate the research you put into each episode!

Optimization fatigue

How do you deal with “optimization fatigue” (i.e. feeling overwhelmed and burnt out from making better health choices). I love being educated and having data points, but I find I am almost afraid to do/have certain things because I know how it impacts my body (e.g. having a beer or drinking coffee in the evening will impact my sleep, not having an optimal training plan won’t produce the best results, etc.)

Legion fat burner

You’ll have said many times that fat burners do not work. You also say that you back legion supplements on everything. I just ordered their fat burner because I have a B12 deficiency and when I search the B12 on their site, that’s what came up. It seems to have a decent amount of B12 in it. what are your thoughts on this fat burner? Will it burn fat, or just give me to I need?

Coming back from injury time off

So I was cleared to come back to the gym with no restrictions after a hospital stay. Coming back from extended time off where I’m definitely a little weaker, what is the best way for me to build back to where I was and to keep building strength? I am planning on lean bulking.

Creatine & kidney problems

I have seen influencers saying creatine gave them kidney issues. I am aware that it increases creatinine excretion as a by product, but is there any truth to it causing kidney problems?