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Stopping Intermittent Fasting

Any tips on stopping Intermittent fasting? I’ve done it for 18 months primarily 18:6 with some occasional 20:4 and 22:2 and lost 80lbs (changed my eating habits and upped protein significantly) but now I’m scared to stop in fear I start gaining but I’m also craving a normal food day!

So Sore!!!

Hey guys- i just finished week 2 of the full body program and I’m so sore today! I worked M/T, took a rest day W and then worked Th/F. Would it be better to take a rest day between all the days or just back down on the weights altogether? Or is this how it should be and just keep at it? I went up in weight from last week so am I just overdoing it? Following the RPE suggestions but first set RPE is always different than the last set. Also- I have a home gym with lots of weights but no machines so everything is being done with barbells or dumbbells (not sure if that makes a difference). I will also add that I’m in a calorie deficit for weight loss but hitting all my protein and fiber macros. Thanks for any/all insight!

Nutrition / Food Labels

What are 'clean' or good macros when looking at a label vs 'bad'. Calories to protein, should sodium be a major factor, etc.

Functional/Athletic Training vs Traditional Weight Training

Hey guys! What are your thoughts on functional training vs traditional weight training for longevity? I've heard that functional/athletic training is more practical for real life situations as you typically train in multiple planes and use movement patterns that mimic real life

Full body program time restriction

Hi! I have been trying to get on the full body training program, however, I am limited to one hour from when I arrive at the gym to when I need to leave. I have been really struggling to fit everything in. I rearranged the exercises in an attempt to super set as many things as possible. It is still a struggle tho. Do you have any recommendations for me?