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Hey guys, I've been a college athlete now for the past few years. I get nagging injuries and soreness a lot and the athletic trainer's go-to is usually some form of ultrasound, buffing or scrapping. These make it feel good in the moment but do these actually help with muscle recovery, soreness, etc?

Glute Imbalance

Is there a way to correct a glute imbalance. I have noticed that on single glute exercises ( split squats, lunges, step ups, etc.) that I have more power and strength on one side. Will this effect my growth and is there a way to even them out.

Upping energy levels

Hey guys, I’m trying to feel more energetic, especially in the morning. I wake up around 930 and have a small breakfast (300ish cals) cause that’s all I can stomach in the morning. I go on an hour walk with my dog first thing around 10am. Mid walk I find myself DRAGGING ass. Like my tank is empty, gas light on 😂 I’m wondering if there is any way to fix that, so I’m not so dead in the mornings. Something to wake me up Without the use of caffeine because I have that before work at 2pm. Thank you!

Oura ring accuracy??

How accurate do you think the Oura Ring “total calories burned” is? I’ve never truly tracked at maintenance but would like to! Is this something I could use as a starting point for tracking nutrition at maintenance?

Yuka App

Everyone keeps telling me they use the Yuka app which tells you about harmful ingredients. Do you think people should be using it and if so how and to what extent?