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Responding to Body comments

Over the past year and a half I have worked with an RDN and a CPT to lose over 65lbs and I feel great. I went from 200lbs to 135lbs and can now see muscle definition and do things that I couldn’t before. I now get comments from people that I’m close to (friends/family) that I’m “too skinny” and I’m not sure how to respond to these. What is the best way to respond to these comments without being a complete bitch?! (Can I say that lol)

Full Body Split

What is the best way to split the Full body program? I guess what aim asking is when should you incorporate the mobility day…mid week, or as needed? Sorry if this has been asked.

Pregnancy/Postpartum Workouts/People to follow or trust for pregnancy/postpartum fitness

I understand I need to stay close with my doctor, and this might not be your expertise, but I trust you two! Do you have any pregnancy/postpartum workout tips or people that can I could turn to and trust for pregnancy/postpartum workout tips?

Greater Goods Perfect Portions Food Scale

The Greater Goods Perfect Portions Food Scale is apart of your Meal Prep Section, how accurate is it actually at producing results for the different foods you put on the scale

Exercise/tips for staying on track when sick/recovering from sickness

Hey! Love the podcast, was surprised I haven’t seen a question like this yet. I’d love to learn more about exercise/staying on track when sick or recovering from being sick. Obviously not talking about the days when you’re so sick you can barely get out of bed. But those in-between days when you still aren’t 100% but are okay enough to head back to work. I’m constantly unsure of if I should “push” myself on days when I’m starting to finally feel better because I’m itching to get back into my routine or if that’s slowing my recovery from my cold. Would an active recovery day (walking, light cardio, etc.) be best until I’m back to 100%? I’ve seen mixed advice of “you should rest and hold off” to “exercise may speed up your recovery from a cold” so since it’s sick season I figured I’d ask, what’s the best advice for working out when recovering from being sick?