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Is Shilajit legit?

This supplement has made its rounds getting hyped by the bio hackers and I have a couple friends that are taking it. What exactly is it and is it worth the hype?

RPE explanation video

I'm not able to open the RPE video I also emailed you guys about this just trying to get an answer as I'm doing the program w/out completely knowing how to figure my RPE. Thanks!

Exercise Related Fields

Hi, I was wondering if you could touch on the topic of exercise science fields in the same way that you did nutrition fields the other week? I'm currently in school working towards an exercise phys degree and it seems like the only job that earns any money is becoming a physical therapist. That's a lot more time and money to spend though!

Neverending story - artificial sweeteners newish studies

Hi I know you talked about it a lot already, but I have read about new-ish studies on several artificial sweeteners. The results were that some can change the gut biome, can increase cancer risk and can cause an increase in all cause mortality risk increased cancer risk.: gut biome cardiovascular risk Is that new to you? Are these studies insufficient or might they make you re-evaluate your look on (some) artificial sweeteners. I'll just keep chugging my sweetened protein drinks until it is definitive because other risks in life are a lot more impactful, but I am interested in your take.

Cycle Syching

So this influencer swears by it. I done the research and find there is no evidence. Yet she seems to have convinced so many people!