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12 Week Full Body Program Question

I just started the full body program. When leg press is mentioned is that the seated leg press or 45 degree leg press? For day two week one the video link for close stance leg press isn’t working and says “This video is private”. Excited for the program and appreciate your help!


I feel like its time for some FS Pod merch soon? Need to rep my favorite pod while attempting to follow the workout programs. :)

Opinion on Sweat app

hey guys, just discovered your podcast and have been binge listening for the past few weeks :D I originally started strength training in Jan 2023 and have been using the Sweat app for all my workouts. I was wondering if you came across the app and what you think about it? There are a variety of training styles, but I always went for strength, and I like it because the exercises are displayed in a short video, and you have timers/ indicators of repetitions, so it makes it much easier to follow than a PDF/ excel, but I am wondering if it's the best option. Thanks!

Calorie deficit, Marathon training and Hunger.

Is it possible to be in a deficit while training for a marathon? I ran the LA marathon in March and I tried to be in a deficit but was constantly hungry and ended up eating in a maintenance. Im now training for another marathon in July and want to know if there are any recommendations to managing the hunger while running such a high mileage. (70-80miles a month)

Turmeric and muscle gain

So, I was wondering if taking turmeric/ curcumin can hurt muscle gain? I have ibs and my doctor recommended turmeric for gut inflammation. After learning how we need inflammation to help muscle and strength gain. Could turmeric hurt and sort of muscle or strength gains?