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with Fitness Stuff (for normal people) Premium

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What can i do prevent or address elbow soreness? I have decreased the amount of weight i am lifting (in favor of slower tempo) on curls, kickbacks, and tricep extensions, but they are still a bit sore after a workout.

Any Chance at a Future Home Workout Plan

Hi. love the show and loving being a premium member. For those of us dedicated to the home workout, with minimal equipment ( dumbbell's, kettlebell, bench, bands, ect.) Is there a possibility that there could be a workout plan provided in the future. I am lucky enough to also make it to the gym a few times a week, and already implement the programs provided, but to be honest I do have more time to work out at home. Just some food for thought. Thanks

Simple vs Complex Carbs

Hey! I know in a recent episode you guys mentioned simple/complex carbs. I understand that simple carbs break down quicker compared to complex. If I am in a lean bulk, does it matter how many of my overall carbs come from simple or complex? For example if a lot of my carbs are simple carbs coming from high carb fruits daily like bananas, apples, oranges is that a bad thing? Should I be have more complex carbs instead? Thank you!

What's the best way to do MYO reps?

Hey yall - new premium member & started the glute focused program this week and saw that there are MYO reps included. Did some - "research" - googling lol and looked up what that is and how but saw some variety in ways people say to do it. Wondering if yall could touch on what, why, and how of MYO reps. Thanks!

Subs for Deadlifts that actually work?!

At home, I have a pretty well stocked gym with a barbell, rack, weight plates, and some dumbbells. I have plenty of weights to get a good deadlift in. When I work at the office, there is a gym that I use with limited machine equipment and dumbbells up to 50 lb. What is a good sub for deadlifts that I can do with the limited equipment? The exercise substitutions listed in the workout plans you guys have just never feel like I'm getting the same value out of the exercise.