Hey guys, I’m trying to feel more energetic, especially in the morning. I wake up around 930 and have a small breakfast (300ish cals) cause that’s all I can stomach in the morning. I go on an hour walk with my dog first thing around 10am. Mid walk I find myself DRAGGING ass. Like my tank is empty, gas light on 😂 I’m wondering if there is any way to fix that, so I’m not so dead in the mornings. Something to wake me up Without the use of caffeine because I have that before work at 2pm. Thank you!
Have you ever used micro plates (.5lbs - 2lbs) for progressive overload on lifts that are challenging to progress on? (like DB shoulder raises) Most gyms I've gone to have a few 2.5lbs, but nothing smaller. These at Rogue seem unique in that they could fit on a dumbbell, kettleball, and maybe even a cable system? https://www.roguefitness.com/rogue-add-on-change-plate-pair?sku=AD0131-1.0&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2uiwBhCXARIsACMvIU3gIF1uweSnWOI3cGcbBFXF3v2dvLn4vJbdJpWJPxOviRJfnReQ5gkaAieiEALw_wcB (2.5lb on cable trick?) https://www.tiktok.com/@tylerpath/video/7265729215046192426
Hi, I'm a rugby player, practice is till 9pm by the time I am home, it is often 10pm or later. I then eat pretty late. I struggle falling asleep and usually don't wake up well rested. Sometimes it's just pain from bruises that keeps me up. But I think the late dinner isn't helping. I tried drinking a protein shake right after practice, but I'm still hungry when I arrive at home. What type of food is best that late and do you have any other tipps for a good night's sleep after a late workout?