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with Fitness Stuff (for normal people) Premium

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Quick recommendation for future programs

Would love to see a bare bones type couple workouts, or even a full program. Something that could be used at a hotel gym, or when you're trying to keep workouts in while travelling. Thanks!

Full Body Program Question

New member here. I had a question on the Full Body Program. I noticed there aren't any calf exercises. Is there a reason for that?

Single momma tryna make gains

I need some help, yall. I'm a single mom to a 3 yr toddler boy. Weekday trips to the gym just don't happen. I want to run the glute focused program but am stumped on best I could modify to home setup. All I have is a half-rack, Bench, Olympic bbell, 240lbs of plates. I can squat from the half rack. I don't have dumbbells just the iron plates. Can yall help me figure out what to pull from exercise selection wise each day? The time I typically have is anywhere from 930pm-1030pm. I wake up @ 515am to get myself ready, lunches packed, & youngin ready. I'm 32 yrs old (33 in july) with bodyfat to lose. I'd say I'm about 25-28% body fat at 150 lbs. I really enjoy how relatable you make this shit, thank you for your content. Oh, 95% whole foods. My son has FPIES (Food Protien Induced Entercolitis Syndrome) & is allergic to egg, oats, and rice, so forreal whole foods based since most store bought, packaged foods have 1 outta 3 of those ingredients.

Adding Tempo into Training

Hey guys! You mentioned adding tempo workouts as part of a training program in your last episode, and I was wondering if you could break that down a bit. For example, what exercises are best for using tempo, how many seconds should we be aiming for, sets per week, etc. Thanks!


Love the podcast...just joined premium...really looking forward to the workout programs....I recently started using creatine...and even though I workout 5 days a week and do cardio 2 days...I am noticing significant increases on the scale ever since...I do not track calories at the moment but have in the past and I do believe I am at maintenance.... could this excess weight have anything to do with the introduction to creatine my routine.