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What do we think about Zoe nutrition

I've seen a lot about they seem to focus on gut health, blood glucose levels and improving your health overall. Not sure what to make of it

Calorie timing and muscle repair

If I do a strength workout in the morning and have a protein heavy meal afterwards, how does my body know I will provide it above maintenance calories the rest of the day so that it will focus on the process of building muscle after that morning workout? (Currently eating slightly above maintenance). Do our bodies know/care that we eat/operate on a 24hour clock? Does what I eat the following day impact my muscle recovery from that workout the day before? Sometimes I’ll eat at maintenance or slightly below if I’m less active the following day. Am I ruining any gains by doing this? Not sure how long it takes for muscle to rebuild/repair…thanks!!

Training with a hernia

Good morning from down under. I hope y'all are well. I freeeeekin love your podcast it in particular recently the full body program on. Validating as I started doing that about 12 months ago to manage soreness and not miss muscle groups due to inconsistency. I have recently reaggravated a minor hernia above my belly button. I am in the process of getting it scanned, and discussing surgery although I dont want to lose out on GAINZ. I am looking to implement your mobility and resistance training programs. Can you recommend some exercises and ideas to help me manage this. Upper body is not too much of a concern but I need some lower body exercises. Belt squats as a start for squats. I can then simply sub these into your template right? :) cheers

Transitioning between programs

I’m 8/12 weeks into the 12 week high frequency program (LOVE!!). I’m interested in following that with the new glute program. I see some of the same moves in the glute program to continue working on upper body..I don’t want to lose strength/muscle I’ve gained upper body wise in the high frequency program. Is there anything else to consider if I switch between the two after I complete the 12 weeks Hf? Hope that makes sense :)

Transition Phase/Exit Strategy

I lost 20 lbs over 18 weeks and ended up adding 150 calories a day to take a break and have maintained my weight. Questions is do I go back to my cut calories to lose more fat because I would like to be at 25-26%% and I am at 31%. Alternatively do I work at recomp calories (which is honestly what I am eating now) and hopefully lose the fat?