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3 days back to back - HELP

Marianna, Tony! HALP. I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to train. Can I do my hard sets on those days w/ the week days to have focusing on sleep, steps, and working/toddler mom life?! Will I be able to grow my glutes specifically? Been nothing but lower back to thigh my ENTIRE life. Those 3 days are what I have schedule wise to dedicate to training. Will I see hypertrophy and strength gains doing that with your program?? I'm in a slight caloric deficit the week days & then maintenance/150-200 kcal surplus on Saturday & Sunday. The unknown if this strategy will work for me is KILLING me. But, forreal. Thank yall for everything. The unveiling of organic food facade was life changing. Slid into FS.POD insta acct dms to thank yall. (Liv.lyve)

Tracking when you have to go out for lunch

Hello!! Based on the nature of my job, I have client meetings which require me to eat out restaurants 2/3 times a week (I know, sucks to be me right lol...). I try to pack a lunch on the other days, but do you have any tips for when you have to eat out? In particular, when the restaurant does not provide the nutrition facts? What should I be looking for on the menu? Anything to avoid? How do I track when there are no nutrition facts.

Which program?

Hi! I’ve been doing the upper/lower program. I’ve focused on arms for the past 6 months and I think the consistency of a program has made a huge difference, but my arms are starting to get bigger than I’d like. I thought about going to the glute program since growing my glutes is the main goal right now. However, it’s a 5 day program instead of 4. Any suggestions on which program to do/how to modify them to my goal?

Day 5 Glute Bible error?

Why are there two hip thrusts on day 5? One is shorter reps than the other but they’re both at same this on purpose? Would they not just be more sets??

Turmeric and muscle gain

So, I was wondering if taking turmeric/ curcumin can hurt muscle gain? I have ibs and my doctor recommended turmeric for gut inflammation. After learning how we need inflammation to help muscle and strength gain. Could turmeric hurt and sort of muscle or strength gains?