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Weight loss & diabetes

My partner has type 1 diabetes and has finally decided to join me in the gym (I’m super passionate, been going for years) and I was wondering how to best support him in his fat loss and fitness journey. I want to help him calculate calories and support his better diet, without overwhelming him or doing things that are bad for him due to being diabetic. Any advice?

Ice Baths - Yeah or Nah

Ok, it seems like every man and his dog are getting an ice bath these days. I see friends and family get up at 3:30 a.m. (not all get up that early), jump in the iced water. Apparently, it is good for brown fat cells and mental health. I'm a sceptic Firstly because I don't have one and it doesn't seem too enjoyable to sit in iced water. In a way, it would make sense if you were sore. However, most of the people I see doing it don't even work out. Do you need to have an ice bath in the morning? So many questions sorry How does it compare to stretching? Or doing a mobility session like yoga or pilates? Why does it need to be cold? Is it a fad, or is it something I should consider?


Supplements are supplements and I think we're clear on how they can be beneficial in some areas (creatine, protein, etc) and a waste of money in others (Armra, super greens, fat burners, etc), but I don't hear enough scientific thinking behind EAA powders. Yes, EAAs are literally essential, but should we be supplementing with them to enhance protein synthesis? Do we get enough of them if we eat a lot of red meat? If we take something like dessicated liver caps?

40 and aimless...

Hello, I Love the podcast! I am in decent shape, and as a firefighter, I must stay fit. My concern is that I am all over the place. Your content about working out "randomly" is me. I don't follow any protocols I just do whatever feels right. I run, hike, swim, lift random weights, swing KBs, ride my Peloton, Etc. But taking this aimless approach has never made me feel stronger. What would you recommend for implementing structure in my routine? I need a healthy mix of strength and conditioning but I honestly make it up each day because I don't know what I'm doing. The fitness industry has led me in so many directions I'm honestly exhausted of following trends and I think less might be more.

Almost done the 12 week full body workout, now what?

Hi, Love the program. Love the Science! I’m a 45 yo woman and I’ve been lifting on/off for around 10 years. I have been training hard on your 12 week full body and have really loved it. I’ve seen strength growth, decrease in DOMS, increase in consistency. The question I have is, what should I do once I finish the program? Thanks. J