Ask Me Anything

with Fitness Stuff (for normal people) Premium

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In wanting to do my own research, where do I start and who do I trust?

I absolutely love how informed you both are and the knowledge you have. If I want to research something you haven’t coveted yet, where do I start? Google and the socials can’t always be trusted. Thank you, and thank you for what you do.

Hey my glute program says I don’t have access anymore! Wasn’t sure where to go for this so figured I’d ask here.

Need the workout

Hello I appreciate all the information you both are always providing. And I appreciate the workout programs you make too. My question is, would it be possible for you two to come up with a homework program using barbells and dumbbells? I only have time to workout at home and I’d love to follow a more structured program. But with your programs it includes even warmups I can’t do at home. No treadmill or stair master or any kind of large workout equipment. Hope this is a popular enough request to get a response. Thank you.

Why don’t my abs work

Hi, I like working out, but I know my core is NOT what it needs to be. Very often when I’m working out I try to engage my core but after a few movements I lose the engagement and can’t get it back. Same with specifically ab workouts too. The worse part is usually my lower back starts to hurt and I end up stopping the workout since I can’t re-engage properly. What can I do to help this? I’ve thought about getting those waist belts thinking it might help. But I don’t want to spend money on something if it won’t help. Thanks


Love the podcast...just joined premium...really looking forward to the workout programs....I recently started using creatine...and even though I workout 5 days a week and do cardio 2 days...I am noticing significant increases on the scale ever since...I do not track calories at the moment but have in the past and I do believe I am at maintenance.... could this excess weight have anything to do with the introduction to creatine my routine.