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Clinical Dosage Recommendations

What's the website you referenced where you can check clinical dosage recommendations?


Can you superset with 3 exercises? Or is that going to be too much between rests?

Pelvic Floor and Core combo routines?

I've been seeing a lot of clips talking about pelvic floor and deep core routines. Wondering what your thoughts are on these for women ? Are there actually routines that will target both core and pelvic floor, are they related and why the hell are there so many videos on this solving everything related to being a women with these types of routines ? My BS alarms are going off but still curious what yall think!

Oura Ring discount code?

Is the oura ring discount code working for people? If not anyone have a code that is working

Bulk or cut

Hi, I am 6 foot 1, 196lbs and about 14% body fat, should I enter a bulk or a cut?