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Protein Treats

Hi! I know Marianna makes lots of protein treats and oftentimes will explain that the type of protein (like protein for baking) used is important so it doesn’t taste bad. Are there any hacks to make it taste good if you don’t have baking protein? I have two big containers of protein at home and my husband will lose his mind if I buy even more lol. Thanks!

800g Challenge

What are your thoughts on the 800g challenge?

Quality vs Quantity

I know sleep is paramount in importance, but how does one discern if the quality is good enough to justify slightly lower quantity? I sleep soundly every night. Now, I don’t track it, but I wake feeling rested most days. I probably get between 5.5 and 6 hours on average. I’m not able to go to bed any earlier, and my gym time is early in the morning to accommodate my work schedule and my family’s needs from me. I guess my question is is quality equal to quantity?

Cooking with iron

Hi guys, happy friday, I was wondering if you’ve heard of cooking with a block of iron in your food such as the lucky iron fish on Amazon and if there is truth behind its use and whether it would be good for you.

Full Body Split

I recently listened to your episode on different workout splits and I am interested in following your 12-week high intensity full body. The format has 9 different muscle groups and my goal is to target these with a 4 day/week regimen. Can I split it up into 4-5 muscle groups 2 days each with 4-8 sets, or do you recommend hitting all 9 with only 2-4 sets each day to maintain muscle protein synthesis? Thanks in advance!