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Strength training to lose fat maintain muscle

I’m feeling pretty comfortable with my understanding of how to lose fat and build muscle. Especially with the podcast and training plans. I wonder if you could share some insight if I no longer wish to build any more muscle but have a strict focus on fat loss. How would I adjust my training? I feel like it would have something to do with my number of reps but not sure how to proceed.


What kind of shoes are your favorite for lifting? What should I be looking for in a good gym shoe for women?

Single Leg or Arm Reps

When you put in a single leg or arm exercise in your program and for example, say to do 12 reps. Is this 12 reps on each arm/leg or 12 reps total?

Training Program

If I’m already following a program, but want to add in more glute focused workouts with one of your training guides, how do you recommend doing that?


Is it not effective not taking creative everyday? I usually put it in my pre workout which is 3/4 days per week. If it should be 7 days a week, what’re some easy ways to incorporate it?